Date Contexts
Posted by Scott on Mar 4th, 2006
New development, new demo site update. The display of tasks now has a sense of date context. That means if the calendar is displaying today you’ll see today’s tasks, and if you switch to another date you’ll see tasks for that day.
I plan to make this a configurable option, but for now the following heuristics are used to display tasks:
- All tasks due on the selected date, regardless of status
- Overdue tasks (i.e, due date is before the selected day and the task status is INCOMPLETE)
- Tasks that have been modified within the last 8 hours (so you will still see new tasks you just added or modified), relative to the current time.
My personal daily-use install of T2A has about a thousand tasks in it, and there are no significant performance issues.
The next step is probably to create some sort of searchable interface for tasks, becuase if you don’t know what their due date was, you can loose track of them if you haven’t just recently added or edited them. I’d like to work on some more documentation too, though.